Our catalogue presents individual translations of classical works derived from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. These encompass prayers, practices, and commentaries that are conveniently available for download in PDF format.
1 - 12 of 219 translations

A Stream of Blessing: Verses of Supplication to the Accomplished Holders of Mantra who Gained Realization in this Snowy Land of Tibet
A well-known prayer to Guru Rinpoche's foremost disciples, the king Trisong Detsen and twenty-five of his subjects.

The Kalavinka’s Call: A Guide to Glorious Samye Chimpu
A short historical guide to the sacred place of Samye Chimpu, where Guru Padmasambhava taught and granted empowerments to his twenty-five disciples, who then meditated in the surrounding caves and...

A Short Prayer to the Abbot, the Master and the King
Kyapjé Dudjom Rinpoche composed this short prayer invoking the Abbot, Master and Dharma-King (Khen Lop Chö Sum), i.e., Abbot Shantarakshita, Guru Padmasambhava and Dharma King Trisong Detsen, at Samyé monastery...

A Prayer to the Precious Guru from Uddiyana That Spontaneously Fulfills All Wishes
This popular Sampa Lhundrupma prayer to Guru Padmasambhava was revealed as a terma by Dzongter Kunzang Nyima, alias Rikdzin Jikme Nüden Dorje, the grandson and speech incarnation of Dudjom Lingpa...

The Sadhana of the Five Self-Arisen Noble Brothers: An Instruction in the Union of Generation and Completion
Revealed during a vision in 1557, this is a sadhana of the Five Self-Arisen Avalokiteshvara Brothers (Phakpa Rangchön Chenga). These are four ancient statues associated with King Songtsen Gampo, i.e.,...

Upon Arriving at Yangleshö
Composed at the cave of Yangleshö in Nepal, this spontaneous song praises the power of this sacred site, a place where Guru Padmasambhava once meditated and gained accomplishment, while also...

A Short Guide to Yangleshö in Nepal
This is a poetic guide to the sacred site of Yangleshö near the village of Pharping to the south of the Kathmandu Valley, where it is said that Guru Padmasambhava...

Princess Lhacham Mandarava’s Prayer
This devotional appeal to Guru Padmasambhava by one of his main consorts, Lhacham Mandarava of Zahor, is adapted from The Golden Garland Chronicles (Kathang Sertrengwa) revealed by Sangye Lingpa (1340–1396).

Melodious Tambura of Delight: A Guide to Maratika Cave, Supreme Site of Immortality
Kyapje Chatral Rinpoche wrote this brief guide to the sacred Maratika cave at the request of his daughter, Semo Sarasvati. In a series of verses, he describes the significance of...

Dza Patrul Rinpoche’s Pith Instruction
A concise, five-verse guide highlighting the essence of Dharma practice.

Music to Delight the Dakini: A Praise to the Eternal Mandarava
Verses in praise of the eighth-century dakini Lhacham Mandarava, one of the principal consorts of Guru Padmasambhava.

Sweet Droplets of the Honey of Accomplishment
In this brief guide, Tsele Natsok Rangdrol explains the essence of the feast-gathering, its literal meaning and various types, as well as how to practise it, and the benefits to...